How to Build Metal Storage Shed
Hi again, everybody! When people browse my inventory, they often want to know: How to build storage shed? They are curious about what’s involved in building a storage structure they see on my website. The metal buildings are installed on site with free delivery and installation in 21 states in the USA. If someone purchases one of our metal garages or carports from Alan’s Factory Outlet we deliver and set up the structure saving you time and money. Here are a few suggestions of what a property owner can do to prepare for the arrival of his or her new storage structure.
Video on How to Build a Garage
Preparing the Area for a Metal Storage Building
We give our customers several days of notice before we make a delivery so they can double check the area to see that it’s ready. Our metal buildings and metal carports for sail should sit on a level area of ground. For instance, someone who purchases a carport would need to have a concrete pad or gravel pad in order for the structure to stand evenly. A shed or garage also needs to be placed on a level piece of ground. Property owners must choose a location with enough open space to accommodate the structure they select.

Another thing property owners can do when preparing for the delivery of their storage building is to check out the condition of the driveway. Are there any overhanging branches or piles of brush that will slow down or interrupt the progress of our truck and trailer? Are there any cars or other vehicles that can be moved to allow the truck and trailer more room to maneuver? The length of our truck and trailer is 52 feet. This means that a property owner who is getting a storage building has to make sure that the clearance of a driveway for the truck and trailer to get at least 150 feet from the location of installation. The more obstacles a property owner can remove from the path of the truck and trailer, the easier the delivery process will be.

Preparation Tips for Owners Who Order a Metal Storage Building
We have a metal garage buyers guide to help guide you through the process of getting ready for your metal storage building.